Michele Lorenzini
Title: Instructor
Phone: 650-2909
Email: [email protected]
Office: PH 0230
Personal History
I received my Bachelor of Science in May 1995 from University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh in Anthropology, History, Religious Studies and Philosophy. After spending 1 ½ years working in contract archaeology in many parts of the country and traveling overseas, I returned to school. In October 1998, I received my Master of Arts in Anthropology from University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign.
Courses Taught
ANTH 111A: Human Ancestry & Adaptations
ANTH 111B: Human Culture & Communication
ANTH 205: Intro to Native American Studies
ANTH 305: Native American Studies
ANTH 332: Origins of Old World Cities and States
ANTH 335: Historical Archaeology
ANTH 476: Cultural Resources Management
ANTH 576: Archaeological Field Directorship: Survey
Research Activities
I am active in local CRM work but my main research area is Historical Archaeology. My geographical region of focus is the Western Great Lakes with a research interest in the French Fur Trade. I have done many projects involving specifically glass trade beads and Contact Period Native sites. In addition to working in many states in the Midwest and up and down the Mississippi River, I have participated in excavations in Israel and Syria .
Academic Publications:
2001 Man-in-the-Moon Beads. Beads. Co-author: Karlis Karlins
1996 A Classification of Glass Trade Beads from the Bell Site (47-Wn-9), Winnebago County , Wisconsin . Reports of Investigation Number 8, Archaeology Laboratory, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh , Oshkosh , Wisconsin .
1995 A Classification of Glass Trade Beads from the Bell Site (47-Wn-9), Winnebago County , Wisconsin . Fox Valley Archeology (Journal of the Robert Ritzenthaler Chapter , Wisconsin Archeological Society) 24:59-79.
Professional Activities
Current Position
Since 2003, owner and operator of an archaeological contracting company - a small, woman-owned business.
Experience Summary
Experience as Project Archaeologist on various projects related to compliance with NEPA and Sections 106 and 110 of NHPA. Responsibilities include supervision of field personnel and archaeological field techniques, coordination with clients and agencies, and evaluation and identification of archaeological evidence. Prepared and contributed to a number of CRM reports, EAs, and EISs. Archaeological investigations have been carried out in Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigan, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Indiana, and West Virginia.
Education: Master of Arts, Anthropology
University of Illinois, 1998
Bachelor of Science, Anthropology; History
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, 1995
Professional Affiliations
Illinois Archaeological Society
Midwest Archaeological Conference
The Wisconsin Archaeological Society