Piano Proficiency
Class Piano Proficiency Test
Students who have a piano background and who have not earned a grade in the particular class piano course may test out of that sequence. Students are allowed to take the proficiency test for each course only once. A grade of A, B or C earned on a proficiency test will be entered onto the student’s transcript. No credit is awarded for a grade of D or F.
The requirements of each sequence are as follows:
Mus 121A
- Play all white-key major scales and arpeggios (two octaves, hands separately, memorized).
- Play root position triads of any quality.
- Play I IV I V7 I progression in major keys with correct fingering.
- Harmonize a melody using primary chords.
- Sight-read and transpose a melody duplicated at an octave.
- Perform an elementary solo repertoire.
Mus 121B
- Play all white-key harmonic minor scales and arpeggios (two octaves, hands separately, memorized).
- Play inverted triads of any quality with correct fingering.
- Harmonize and accompany a melody with Alberti Bass and Waltz Bass.
- Sight-read and transpose a melody built primarily on scale patterns and chord outlines.
- Perform a late elementary to early intermediate solo repertoire.
Mus 221A
- Play all black-key major scales and arpeggios (two octaves, hands separately, memorized).
- Play all five types of seventh chords and their inversions.
- Harmonize a melody using secondary dominants.
- Transpose to concert pitch a melody written for a transposing instrument.
- Play a three-part choral and instrumental score.
- Play an exercise written in alto and tenor clef.
- Perform a mid-intermediate solo repertoire.
Mus 221B
- Play all black-key harmonic minor scales and arpeggios (two octaves, hands separately, memorized).
- Play V7 and viio7 arpeggios.
- Play a progression that uses German, French, and Italian Sixth.
- Harmonize a melody in keyboard style.
- Play an open score with transposing and non-transposing instruments.
- Play a four-part choral and instrumental score.
- Play a late intermediate solo repertoire.
The class piano proficiency test is administered on the first three days of the fall and spring semesters. Please contact Dr. Chin ([email protected]) to schedule an appointment.