Dr. Suman Mishra (she/her)
Professor, Department Chair
Office Phone: (618) 650-5628
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.suman-mishra.net
Linkedin: @sumanmishraphd
My sense of global-local connectedness comes from my lived experience. I have been fortunate to study, travel, and research in and about different countries. I have applied these experiences to teach students about the diversity of people, cultures, experiences, and ideas. I have challenged students to go beyond their known world, engage with local communities, and think critically about issues that impact humanity. I have received the Teaching Distinction Award and the Phenomenal Woman Award for my teaching and mentoring work.
My research focuses on advertising and strategic communication, multicultural marketing, consumer culture, visual communication, globalization, transnational flows of media and information, and media representation of social identities. I have presented competitively selected peer-reviewed papers at the International Communication Association (ICA), Central States Communication Association (CSCA), Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), International Journal of Press and Politics (IJPP), and other conferences. I have received several top-paper awards for my scholarly work. I have also received competitive internal and external grants.
Ph.D. Ph.D. in Mass Media & Communication, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
M.A. in Advertising, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
M.A. in Public Relations & Advertising Management, Institute of Management Studies, DAVV, Indore, India.
Research Interests
Advertising and strategic communication, multicultural marketing, consumer culture, visual communication, globalization, and media representation of social identities.
Selected Research & Activities
- Mishra, S. & Kern-Stone, R. (Eds.) (2019). Transnational Media: Concepts and Cases. Wiley Blackwell. [Book]
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Mishra, S. & Kern-Stone, R. (2023). Smart Assistants for Smart Living: Ideology and Mythology in AI-Powered Smart Speaker Advertising. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 47(4), 481-500 [Journal Article]
- Mishra, S. & Bakry, A. (2021). Social Identity in Consumer-Brand Identification: The Case of Hijab-Wearing Barbie Doll in the United States. Journal of Consumer Behaviour. [Journal Article]
- Mishra, S. (2021). Globalizing Male Attractiveness: Advertising in Men’s Lifestyle Magazines in India. International Communication Gazette, 83(3), 280-298. [Journal Article]
- Mishra, S. (2020). From #MeToo to #MeTooIndia: News Domestication in Indian English Language Newspapers. Journalism Studies, 21(5), 659-677. [Journal Article]
- Mishra, S. (2017). From Self-Control to Self-Improvement: Evolving Messages and Persuasion Techniques in Weight Loss Advertising (1930-1990). Visual Communication, 16(4), 467–494 [Journal Article]
- Mishra, S. (2017). The Importance of “Consumer Type” in the Attribution of Crisis Responsibility: The Case of the Maggi Noodles Crisis in India. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 11(3), 224-243 [Journal Article]
Courses Taught
MC 201 - Mass Media in Society (undergraduate)
MC 401 - Media Law and Policy (undergraduate/graduate)
MC 451 - Research Methods in Mass Media (undergraduate)
MC 453 - Transnational Media (undergraduate/graduate)
MC 472 - Mass Media and Health (undergraduate/graduate)
MC 478 - International Advertising (undergraduate/graduate)
MC 501 - Research Methods in Mass Communications (graduate)
MC 502 - Media Campaigns (graduate)
MC 504 - Special Topics in Mass Communications (graduate)
MC 590 - Independent Study (graduate)
MC 598 - Master’s Project (graduate)
MC 599 - Master’s Thesis (graduate)
INTG 593 - Final Project (graduate)
INTG 599 - Thesis (graduate)