Thomas Jordan
Coordinator for Policy, Communication and Issues of Concern, Provost's Office
Associate Professor of History
Latin America
Office Phone: 618-650-2414
Location: Peck Hall Room 1232 and the Office of the Provost (Rendleman Hall Room 3102)
E-mail: [email protected]
Ph. D. University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) (2000 - History)
Dissertation: "Contesting the Terms of Incorporation: Labor and the State in Rio de Janeiro,
1930-1964." Thesis directed by Dr. Joseph Love, Dr. Nils Jacobsen, and Dr. James Barrett.
M.A. University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) (1993 - History)
B.A. Trinity University (San Antonio, Texas), (1989 - Economics)
Academic Appointments
Assistant Professor at Southern Illinois University (Edwardsville, IL), August 2000 to present.
Assistant Professor at Blackburn College (Carlinville, IL), 1999-2000.
Course Offerings
IS 326 Modern Latin America (team-taught interdisciplinary course on Latin America)
Hist 112A World History to 1500
Hist 112B World History since 1500
Hist 360A History of Latin America - Colonial Period
Hist 360B History of Latin America - 19th and 20th Centuries
Hist 400 Topics: History of Brazil
Hist 400 Topics: History of Cuba
Hist 460 History of Mexico
When appropriate, I am willing to offer directed-reading courses for graduate students and direct senior or independent projects for advanced undergraduate students.
Research Interests
Broadly speaking, I am interested in twentieth-century Brazilian social history. My current research examines the role that urban labor played in local, regional, and national-level politics during the 1940 to 1964 period. Focusing on urban workers and their unions in the city of Rio de Janeiro, my
work traces the twenty-year transformation of Brazil's labor movement from a relatively weak and unorganized movement in the late 1940s into a major political force by the early 1960s. In this process, the city's labor unions challenged the government's restrictions on "legitimate" union activities by fortifying the government-sanctioned unions, creating new types of labor organizations, and forging alliances with local and national politicians. My recently completed dissertation, entitled "Contesting the Terms of Incorporation: Labor and the State in Rio de Janeiro, 1930-1964," looked at these issues by focusing on the activities of the textile and metalworkers'
unions in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Currently, I am broadening my study to look at the tactics used by other labor unions to accomplish these same goals.
Selected Publications and Paper Presentations
Review of Jeffrey Lesser's Negotiating National Identity: Immigrants, Minorities, and the Struggle for Ethnicity in Brazil (2000) on H-LATAM (
Review of Anthony W. Pereira's The End of the Peasantry: The Rural Labor Movement in Northeast Brazil, 1961-1988 (1997) on H-LATAM (
Review of John D. French's The Brazilian Workers' ABC: Class Conflict and Alliances in Modern São Paulo (1992) in Thematica: Historical Research and Review, 1:1 (1994), p.123-125.
Paper Presentations
"Redefining Proper Unionism: The Case of the Metalworkers' Union in Rio de Janeiro, 1950-1964." Latin American and Caribbean Section of the Southern Historical Association annual meeting (Louisville, Kentucky, November 2000)
"Policing the Unions: Brazil's Political Police and Workers in Rio de Janeiro, 1930-1964." Paper presented at the Social Science History Association conference (Chicago, Nov. 1998)