Carole Collier Frick
Professor and Department Chair
Office Phone: 618-650-3237
Office: Peck Hall, Rm. 3224
E-mail: [email protected]
Ph.D. University of California at Los Angeles (1995) Early Modern European History
Dissertation: "Dressing a Renaissance City: Economics, Gender and Society in Fifteenth-Century Florence"
M.A. San Diego State University (1987)
Thesis: "The Roles of Upper-Class Women in Fifteenth-Century Florence"
Research Areas
The material culture of the early modern European milieu; Renaissance clothing and the semiotics of dress; gender issues in the needle-trades; family and the politics of kinship; fifteenth and sixteenth-century art and images.
Courses Taught
Western Civilization 1815-present (HIST 111B)
Renaissance Italy, 1350-1500 (HIST 320)
Reformation Europe, 1500-1648
The History of Utopia in Western Civilization (HIST 400)
The Economy of Old Europe, 1050-1750 (HIST 400)
Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe (HIST 428/WST 428)
Graduate Seminar: New Directions in Renaissance Historiography (HIST 500B)
Graduate Core Seminar: History and Theory; Graduate Colloquium (HIST 555)
Publications - Monographs, Journal Articles, Book Chapters
2009 "Italian Silks in 16th-Century Europe," article in Medieval Clothing and Textiles, vol. 4, ed. Robin Netherton, forthcoming.
2009 "Sartorial Transitions," book chapter in Early Modern Girlhood, ed. Diane Purkiss, under consideration at a major academic press.
2008 "Teenage Renaissance Mannequins in the Pages of Vogue," book chapter in The Italian Renaissance in Contemporary Popular Culture, ed. Medina Lasansky, Forthcoming, Periscope Press.
2008 "From Boys to Men: codpieces and masculinity," book chapter in Renaissance Childhood, eds. Naomi Yavneh and Naomi Miller, forthcoming, AAUP.
2007. "Painting Personal Identity: The Costuming of Nobildonne, Heroines, and Kings," exhibition catalogue article in Italian Women Arts from Renaissance to Baroque (marking the 20th anniversary of the National Museum of Women in the Arts), Washington, DC NMWA, SKIRA.
2006 "Headwear, Gendered Identity and Individualism in Early Modern Florence," book chapter in Moda e Moderno, ed. Eugenia Paulicelli, Meltemi Press, Rome.
2006 "Picture Perfect: Female Performance and Social Liminality in the City of Renaissance Florence e," book chapter in Structures and Subjectivities, eds. Joan Hartman and Adele Seeff, University of Delaware Press.
2005 "Gendered Space in Renaissance Florence: Theorizing Public and Private in the 'Rag Trade'," in Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body, and Culture, vol. 9, issue 2, June, 2005, U.K.
2005 Paperback edition of Dressing Renaissance Florence, The Johns Hopkins University Press.
2004 "The Florentine 'Rigattiere': Second hand clothing dealers and the circulation of goods in the Renaissance," book chapter in Old Clothes, New Looks: second-hand fashion, eds. Alexandra Palmer and Hazel Clark, Berg Pub., U.K.
2004 "Francesco Barbaro's De re Uxoria: A silent dialogue for a young Medici bride," in Printed Voices: A Comparative Outlook on Renaissance Dialogue, eds. Jean-François Vallée and Dorothea Heitsch, University of Toronto Press.
2002 Dressing Renaissance Florence: Families, fortunes and fine clothing. The Johns Hopkins University Press.
2000 "The Power of 'Kulturgeschichte'": Jacob Burckhardt and the Creation of the Italian Renaissance," in Composing Useful Pasts, ed. Edmund Jacobitti, SUNY Press.
1990" 'Io non levato da te i occhi miei': The Downcast Eyes of the Women of the Upper Class," UCLA Historical Journal, vol. 9, spring, 1990.
1987 "Women Portrayed as the Goddess Flora in Titian and Palma Vecchio: Social and Cultural Context," Carte Italiane, vol. 8, fall, 1987.