Dr. Wendy Shaw
Ph.D. University of Georgia 1994
Social and cultural geography, development, geographic education, urban geography, history and philosophy of geography.
Retired June 2023.
Email: [email protected]
Selected Research
Shaw, W. 2021 The Changing Location and Characteristics of America's Poorest and Most Affluent Counities. Springer, Sept.
Shaw, W. 2016 Second printing. The Geography of United States Poverty. Patterns of Deprivation, 1980-990. Garland Publishing Inc., New York, Fall. First printing 1996.
Shaw, W. 2013. Afterword on: ‘Concerning the Best of Illinois’ by Marjorie Shank. Illinois Geographer 55 (1): 7-8.
Shaw, W. 2013. Afterword on: ‘Southern Illinois – An Area of Small Cities’ by Robert A. Harper. Illinois Geographer 55 (1): 26-27.
Zhou, B and W. Shaw 2005. Is Retail Banking Service Converging Toward the Market in Illinois? A General Methodology. Proceedings of the Applied Geography Conference, 28:320-329, Nov
Shaw, W. 2004. The Changing Location and Characteristics of America's Poorest Counties. Proceedings of the Applied Geography Conference, 27:448-457, Oct
Shaw, W. 2004. 'Population Growth Rate' and 'Fertility'. Entries in "Forsyth, T. (ed) (2004) Encyclopedia of International Development, London and New York: Routledge".,Fall
Zhou, B and W. Shaw, W. 2004. Financial Transformation and Portfolio Reallocation; Impact on House Mortgage Finance in the USA. Housing Studies, 19, (2): 207-228, March