Dr. James Hanlon
Ph.D. University of Kentucky, 2008
Associate Professor - Urban, cultural, and historical geography, public and affordable housing, urban policy, racial segregation and inequality, social theory
Alumni Hall 1411
Email: [email protected]
Selected Publications:
Hanlon, J. 2017. The Origins of the Rental Assistance Demonstration Program and the End of Public Housing. Housing Policy Debate 27 (4): 611-639.
Hanlon, J. 2015. Fair Housing Policy and the Abandonment of Public Housing Desegregation. Housing Studies 30 (1): 78-99.
Hanlon, J. 2012. Beyond HOPE VI: Demolition/Disposition and the Uncertain Future of Public Housing. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 27 (3): 373-388.
Hanlon, J. 2011. Unsightly Urban Menaces and the Rescaling of Residential Segregation in the United States. Journal of Urban History 37 (5): 732-756.
Hanlon, J. 2010. Success by Design: HOPE VI, New Urbanism, and the Neoliberal Transformation of Public Housing in the United States. Environment and Planning A 42 (1): 80-98.