Dr. Alan W. Black
Ph.D. University of Georgia, 2015
Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director - Climatology and climate change, extreme events, atmospheric hazards and impacts, weather and transportation
Alumni Hall 1402
Email: [email protected]
Personal Website | Google Scholar Profile | ResearchGate Profile
Dr. Black is interested in atmospheric hazards, climate extremes, and their impact on society. Recent research has focused on windstorms, the impact of inclement weather on transportation, and the travel of tornado debris.
Selected Publications
Call, D.A, R.M. Medina, and A.W. Black, 2018: Causes of Weather-Related Crashes in Salt Lake County, Utah. The Professional Geographer.
Black, A.W., and G. Villarini, 2018: Effects of Methodological Decisions on Rainfall-Related Crash Risk Estimates. Accident Analysis and Prevention. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2018.01.023.
Williams, C.A., P. W. Miller, A.W. Black, and J.A. Knox, 2017: Throwing Caution to the Wind: National Weather Service Wind Products as Perceived by a Weather-Salient Sample. Journal of Operational Meteorology, 5 (9), 103–120.
Black, A.W., G. Villarini, and T.L. Mote, 2017: Effects of Rainfall on Vehicle Crashes in Six U.S. States. Weather, Climate, and Society, 9, 53–70.
Miller, P., A.W. Black, C.A. Williams, and J.A. Knox, 2016: Quantitative Assessment of Human Wind Speed Overestimation. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 55, 1009–1020.
Miller, P., A.W. Black, C.A. Williams, and J.A. Knox, 2016: Maximum Wind Gusts Associated with Human-Reported Nonconvective Wind Events and a Comparison to Current Warning Issuance Criteria. Weather and Forecasting, 31, 451–465.
Black, A.W., and T.L. Mote, 2015: Effects of Winter Precipitation on Automobile Collisions, Injuries, and Fatalities in the United States. Journal of Transport Geography, 48, 165–175.
Black, A.W., and T.L. Mote, 2015: Assessment of automobile and aviation fatalities due to winter precipitation. Weather, Climate, and Society, 7, 133–145.