Dr. Zhi-Qing Lin
Ph.D. McGill University, 1996
Office: SW 2165
Research Lab: SW 2090
Phone: (618) 650-2650
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: http://www.siue.edu/~zhlin/
Courses Taught: Pollution Ecology (BIOL 468), Applied Ecology (464/564), Environmental Sampling (ENSC 520), Phytoremediation and Treatment Wetlands (ENSC 545)
Research Interests: My research interests cover the following aspects: (1) developing phytoremediation technology for the cleanup of trace element contaminated water and soil, including the use of phytoextraction, phytostabilization, phytovolatilization, and constructed wetland treatment systems; (2) understanding the control of major environmental factors over the biogeochemical cycles of contaminants in the air-water-soil-plant system, particularly with respect to transport, fate, and chemical transformation of pollutants in ecosystems; (3) characterizing ecosystem responses to phytoremediation processes and other anthropogenic perturbations, such as agricultural or industrial pollution and waste management.
Research Opportunities: Undergraduates, graduate students, and visiting scholars. For inquiries please contact me.
Selected Publications
Lin, Z.Q., S. Haddad, J. Hong, J. Morrissy, G.S. Bañuelos & L.Y. Zhang. 2014. Selenium biofortification differences on thin and fat types of edible fungi. In: Bañuelos, G.S., Z.-Q. Lin, and X.B. Yin (eds.). Selenium in the Environment and Human Health. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.124-126.
Huff, D., J. Harris, P. Brunkow, K.A. Johnson, Z.-Q. Lin, and J. Schaefer. 2010. Accumulation and distribution of arsenic in pond snail and fish with different feeding strategies and effects of phosphorous contamination in wetland microcosms. In: J.-S. Jean, J. Bundschuh, and P. Bhattacharya (eds.), Arsenic in Geosphere and Human Diseases – As 2010. CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL. 204-205.
Mudhoo, A., S.K. Sharma, Z.-Q. Lin, and O.P. Dhankher. 2010. Phytoremediation of arsenic-contaminated environment: An overview. In: S.K. Sharma and A. Mudhoo (Eds.), Green Chemistry for Environmental Sustainability. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. 127-149.
Wu, Zhi-lin, Xue-bin Yin, Z.-Q. Lin, Gary S. Bañuelos, Lin-Xi Yuan, Ying Liu, and Miao Li. 2014. Inhibitory effect of selenium against Penicillium expansum and its possible mechanisms of action. Current Microbiology. DOI 10.1007/s00284-014-0573-0.
Ruppert, L., Z.-Q. Lin, R.P. Dixon, and K.A. Johnson. 2013. Assessment of solid phase microfiber extraction fibers for the monitoring of volatile organoarsinicals emitted from a plant-soil system. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 262: 1230-1236.
Huang, J.C., M. Suárez, S.I. Yang, Z.-Q. Lin, and N. Terry. 2013. Development of a constructed wetland water treatment system for selenium removal: Incorporation of an algal treatment component. Environmental Science and Technology. 47: 10518−10525.
Yuan, L., Y.Y. Zhu, Z.-Q. Lin, G.S. Bañuelos, W. Li, and X.B. Yin. 2013. A novel selenocystine-accumulating plant in selenium-mine drainage area in Enshi, China. PLoS ONE 8(6): e65615.
Huang, Y., Q. Wang, J. Gao, Z.-Q. Lin, G.S. Bañuelos, L.X. Yuan, and X.B. Yin. 2013. Daily dietary selenium intake and hair selenium contents in a high selenium area of Enshi, China. Nutrients. 5(3): 700-710.
Hussar, E., S. Richards, Z.-Q. Lin, R.P. Dixon, and K.A. Johnson. 2012. Human health risk assessment of 16 priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils of Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA. Water, Soil, and Air Pollution. 223(9): 5535-5548.
Wang, S., D. Liang, D. Wang, W. Wei, D. Fu, and Z.-Q. Lin. 2012. Selenium fractionation and speciation in agriculture soils and accumulation in corn (Zea mays L.) under field conditions in Shaaxi Province, China. Science of the Total Environment. 427-428: 159–164.
Mahdy, A.M., E.A. Elkhatib, N.O. Fathi, and Z.-Q. Lin. 2012. Use of drinking water treatment residuals in reducing bioavailability of metals in biosolid-amended alkaline soils. Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 43: 1216–1236.
Brugam, R.B., M. Ketterer, L. Maines, Z.-Q. Lin, and W.A. Retzlaff. 2012. Application of a simple binary mixing model to the reconstruction of lead pollution sources in two Mississippi River floodplain lakes. Journal of Paleolimnology. 47: 101-112.
Gao, J., Y. Liu, Z.-Q. Lin, G.S. Bañuelos, M. Lam, X.B. Yin. 2010. Daily selenium intake in a moderate selenium deficiency area of Suzhou, China. Food Chemistry. 126(3):1088-1093.
Bañuelos, G.S. and Z.-Q. Lin. 2010. Cultivation of Indian Fig Opuntia in selenium-laden agriculture drainage sediments under field conditions. Soil Use and Management. 26(2): 167-175.
Lin, Z.-Q., N.Terry, S. Gao, H. Hussein, and Z.H. Ye. 2010. Vegetation changes and partitioning of selenium in 4-year-old constructed wetlands treating agricultural drainage. International Journal of Phytoremediation.12(3): 255-267.