Dr. Danielle N. Lee
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. University of Missouri - St. Louis, 2010
Office: SW 1285
Research Lab: SW 0010
Phone: (618) 650-3405
E-mail: [email protected]
Courses Taught: Human Biology (BIOL 140), Introduction to Biological Science II (BIOL 151), Mammalogy (BIOL 488), Urban Ecology (BIOL 490).
Research Interests: I am interested in how ecology and evolutionary components contribute to the behavior of animals. My research involves examining behavioral variation across gradients. Part of my research involves examining the African giant pouched rat (Cricetomys ansorgei) to determine the extent to which they demonstrate behavioral syndromes and if there is a genetic component to the behavioral differences. I am expanding my research to examine behavioral differences of small rodents across urban gradients in the St. Louis Metropolitan region.
My science outreach efforts emphasize sharing science to general audiences, particularly under-served groups, via outdoor programming and social media. My work includes The Urban Scientist a blog about urban ecology, evolutionary biology and diversity in the sciences, hosted by Scientific American Blog Network.
Honors: 2015 TED Fellow; EBONY Power 100 2014 – Social Media Influencer; White House Champions of Change – STEM Access & Diversity; The Grio 100's Class of 2014 - Science & Technology Leader; Huffington Post Science Scientists on Twitter: 30 Biologists and Chemists to Follow; Top Women in Science to Follow on Twitter – Under the Microscope; 2011 Black Weblog Awards Blogging Heroine - Niche Blogging in Science; 2011 Young Professional of the Year, Urban League Young Professionals of Metropolitan St. Louis; 2009 Diversity Scholar, American Institute of Biological Sciences.
You can learn more about my research and follow my updates about science, science communication, plus STEM outreach and diversity on Twitter and Instagram at @DNLee5
Research Opportunities: Undergraduate and graduate students interested in research opportunities in my lab should contact me.